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Rose Pruning Again

Late February to early March is the time for the major pruning of roses. Back in December, I did a preliminary pruning , now is the time for the last major pruning before the spring season begins.  First, a comment on hybrid tea roses. This is what most people have in their gardens. I only have a few hybrid tea roses. These are the roses that need the most drastic pruning. Basically, you cut all the canes down to about 1 foot, making the cuts right above an outward-facing bud. The result will be something like this -  Most of my roses fall into the shrub and climbing categories. These roses are pruned differently and not as severe as the hybrid teas. For shrub roses (and many of the David Austin English roses fall into this category), I first take out the older canes completely to the ground. The older canes are easy to spot - they will be thicker and darker in color. After thinning out the older canes, I remove any canes that are damaged, crossing one another and canes that ...

The September slump

Another gardening season seems to be winding down although the fall garden is always a joy to look forward to. By the time August and September roll around though, my enthusiasm level for the garden is at it's lowest point. I'm sure the weather has something to do with this although I can't complain this year. We've had mild temperatures (well, if you consider upper 80s and lower 90s to be mild) and regular rainfall. However, it is getting dry again and we are back in the phase where it rains every day but not in our neighborhood. I can't tell you how much that irks me...

I think a lot of gardeners though are just tired and wiped out by the end of summer no matter what the weather is doing. I am trying to get over feeling guilty when I'm not out in the garden working, especially on a nice day. I probably could use some therapy for that.

So, since there is no news on the gardening front, I have been catching up on my reading. The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was awesome. Very unique and un-put-downable! I also enjoyed The Strain, the first in a series by Guillermo Del Toro (yes, he is the film director).

My Julia Child kick continues. I've started reading her book My Life in France and Michael and I recently rented The French Chef from Netflix.

I also read a biography on film director Vincente Minnelli and have been recording his films off of Turner Classic Movies. I just watched Home From The Hill and Lust for Life which I can't believe I've never seen before. I rewatched The Bad and the Beautiful (great film!) and being a Jennifer Jones fan, I've seen Madame Bovary numerous times. The only Minnelli film I couldn't get into was The Cobweb which I found incredibly boring.

I usually have a gardening book going and I just picked up Joe Eck and Wayne Winterrowd's Our Life in Gardens.

I promise to return to gardening soon!


  1. I feel sort of slumped myself~~This used to be a marvelous time to find buys at nurseries. The economy has affected inventory even at the good nurseries. But a few bulbs are heading my way? How about you, will you be adding any bulbs this fall?

    My Life In France is on the reading list....and I have got to go see Julie and Julia! It's still pretty warm out there...enjoy reading.


  2. Well you'd better quit your sloughing off, Phillip. Just kidding. It's good to get a break especially after going gangbusters for so many months. ... About the only thing I could relate to in your world of books and movies is Netflix. LOL ... Oh yeah, I've read Winterrowd's work in gardening magazines. Good stuff.

    Here in the PNW we're still in high summer partly because summer takes so long to get here.

  3. It is a slow period in the garden, at least slow for me. I must go see Julie and Julia. Love your photo of the purple ? in that beautiful pot.

  4. You are quite right about this being the "September Slump". Geez, I am sagging bad in the garden department. I have been painting more and reading some. I am reading Vincent VanGogh's letters. Most he wrote to his brother. I enjoyed Julia and Julie too. I would like to read My Life in France. Julia was an interesting woman.

  5. Ah, oui! Fromage etagere. La bas, sur l'herbe. L'oef. Sur la Pont D'Avignon! (You see, I'm very enthusiastic about things Francais, but I can only express my feelings in 9th grade French (or worse).) :)

  6. Not that I am qualified to offer advice to anyone, but if you remember, the point of the garden is PLEASURE.....stop apologizing! Enjoy the messiness, the browning of the stems and blossoms, and the slightly cooler weather. You've worked all summer! Grab a good book and a cup of coffee, and sit in the garden enjoying it's aging prime!

  7. Is it still humid in AL? We got a break the first of Sept this year. By the end of August I can't even stand 80's with high humidity anymore.

  8. I recognize the slump as well. At this point we have gotten so much rain (5.7" just yesterday) that everything has put on rampant growth and has overgrown its boundaries. I am about ready to attack the garden with a machete without regard. I usually get this way in Sept. just wanting to get things back into some kind of order.

  9. It is good to read your post, as I too have been feeling guilty... especially on beautiful days... and when I was away... for not working out in the gardens... but one should never feel guilty for reading! I have a hold at my library for Joe and Wayne's new book... Henry Mitchell's 'The Essential Earthman' as well.

  10. Nice post...sounds familiar...!
    By the way, I loved the picture you've posted. Is that petunia?

    See you around, now that am following your blog

  11. Phillip, I feel exactly the same way. To me, this time of year is for assessing the successes and failures of this years garden and planning for next. And resting. I need to stop obsessing over little tweaks and fixes and let go of the garden until next April.

  12. I'm in the slump too, but I can feel it beginning to lift. I'm anxious to get into a nursery for some fall color in the garden. Summer gardening is a lot of work. Hope you get some rain soon.

  13. I've been having one of those weeks where I feel like plowing under the garden and filling it with annual flower seeds instead of perennials! LOL Actually, I'd keep all the agastache and salvia.

    I will have to read My Life in France since I'm such a fan of France and Paris, in particular. We enjoyed Julie & Julia so much -- could relate to Paris, food and the blogging! :-)


  14. Kinda jaded right now also.

    It's more of a chore to deadhead, weed etc... We still have guests arriving so I musn't shirk.

    I do love this time of year though. The food markets are at their absolute best, so being something of a 'gastronaut' I intend to embark on a culinery extravaganza soon!!!


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