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The Plants Bees Love

In this day and time, I would hope gardeners understand the importance of bees and other insects in the garden. However, from time to time, a person comes into the nursery and asks for plants that will NOT attract bees (sigh). They are not really gardeners though, they are just looking for a plant to fill a space. I find myself more and more intrigued by bees although I don't know that much about the different types. I do make note of plants that they like and try to add as many as I can to the garden. Over the past weeks, with watering a daily activity amidst a lingering heat-wave, I've conducted an informal survey and noted the plants that they seem to like the most. Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) Butterfly Weed ( Asclepias tuberosa ) is one of my favorite perennials and the bees love it too. I don't think I've ever seen a butterfly on it but we don't seem to have many of those. Everybody wants the "Showy Milkweed" (Asclepias speciosa) but I knew

Homemade Pretzels

I haven't made homemade pretzels since we were in Alabama and I had forgotten how easy they are if not a little time consuming. I made these last week for Oscar night. They keep a long time in an airtight container.

  • 1 (.25 ounce) package active dry yeast
    1 tablespoons brown sugar
    teaspoons salt
    1 ½ cups warm water (110 degrees)
    3 cups all-purpose flour
    1 cup bread flour
    2 cups warm water (110 degrees)
    2 tablespoons baking soda
    1-2 tablespoons butter, melted
    2 tablespoons kosher salt

Line two or three baking sheets with parchment paper and set aside.

Place the yeast, brown sugar and salt in the 1.5 cups of warm water. Stir to dissolve.

Stir in the flour. Knead for about 7-8 minutes. Place in a greased bowl and cover. Let it rise for an hour (I place mine in the oven with the light on).

Combine the two cups of warm water with the baking soda in a square shallow pan.

After the dough has risen, cut it into 12 equal pieces. 

Roll each section into a thin 3-feet rope.

Twist the dough into a pretzel shape and dip it in the water and baking soda mixture.

Place on the parchment covered baking sheets and let it rise another 20 minutes.

Preheat the oven to 450.

Bake the pretzels for 8-10 minutes or until golden brown.

Remove from the oven, brush with the melted butter and sprinkle with salt.

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. Those look really good. Are they crunchy or bread-y?

    I bought an authentic baguette pan and have been making baguettes--the pan made all the difference.

    1. These are soft pretzels. I've never made baguettes.

  2. My son used to make these all the time when he was in school. It's time to try them again. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. Oh my goodness, I was practically drooling over this post. I love soft pretzels!


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