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The Wet, Wet Garden

After worrying about the rain deficit (we were below normal for April), Mother Nature generously rewarded us with an abundance of rain this past week. I am not going to complain although I do wish it would skip my off-days. Today (Saturday) is an especially wet day. I ventured out briefly and took a few shots. The plants grow so fast from the rain. Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy

Badja Peak Mint Bush

Every time we have a garden tour, there seems to be one plant that people single out and ask about. This time, it was  Prostanthera cuneata 'Badja Peak', commonly referred to as "Alpine Bush Mint" or "Australian Bush Mint" (originating from Alpine regions of Australia).

This small shrub was planted in July of 2021 so this is its second year (I mistakenly told someone it had been here three years - sorry!) It is located in the front garden on the northeast side and has survived two winters. Most references recommend planting it in a warm, sheltered spot but this isn't really the case in our garden. It is listed as being hardy to 10-15 degrees.

Our plant gets considerable shade with periods of full sun around mid-day and some afternoon sun but I would say it gets more shade than sun. This year it is about 2 feet tall and 4 feet wide with a somewhat sprawling habit. The evergreen foliage is dark green and minty aromatic when crushed. Flowers began to appear in late May. The flowers are large, cupped and white with purple flecks inside the flower. Very pretty!

Text and photos by Phillip Oliver, Dirt Therapy


  1. I hope you had a successful open garden: I wish you lived closer to Seattle so I could visit. This "Australian Bush Mint" is lovely (evergreens brighten the spirit in winter) and vigorous: 4' wide in 2 years! What's it's supposed eventual size?

    1. We had around 85 people I think. It was super busy and a nice pleasant day for it. It can get anywhere from 3-5 feet from what I've read.

  2. I love the way Australian Bush Mint surrounds your bird bath. So pretty!

  3. Thank you for the introduction to this interesting plant, Phillip. I grow Prostanthera ovalifolia 'Variegata" (also called mint bush) but I'd never heard of this one. Mine produces small lavender blooms, although before this year they've bloomed lightly, if at all. (I'll once again attribute the difference this year to our heavier rain.) I'll be on the lookout for your species.

  4. That's a beauty. The flowers are quite something. It looks very happy in your garden.

    "Alpine" doesn't usually come to mind when paired with "Australia", but of course there's more to Australia than arid regions and sandy beaches.

  5. Those blooms look like small orchids. Are they fragrant? They remind me of Catalpa tree blooms.


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